Monday, 5 March 2012


Mountain galunggung ( is volcanism with a height 2.167 metres above sea level , situated around 17 km from the city center tasikmalaya West Java. There are some tourist attraction between objects offered other tourist attraction and wanawisata with areal of approximately 120 ha under the management of state perhutani . Other objects covering an area of less than 3 acres keputusan a bathhouse for hot water ( cipanas ) complete with facilities pool , a bathroom and soak water a hot tub . Mount forest galunggung ( placeman montane 1,200 -- 1,500 meters and forests ericaceous & gt ; 1,500 meters .

Mountain galunggung ( recorded ever eructate in 1882 vei = ( 5 ) . The early omens eructation known in july 1822 , in which water cikunir of being murky and muddy . Investigation showed that the waters of the crater roily heat and would come up a column of smoke from in the crater . Then on the october 8 s.d . Oct . 12 , eructation produce rain sand reddish- very hot , small dust , a cloud of heat , as well as lava . Lava flows moving toward the southeast follow streams of a river . An eruption of this killing 4.011 soul and devastates 114 village , with destruction of land on the east and south of the 40 km from the mountain
The explosions occurred in 1894 year . In between the date of october 7-9 , eruption which produces a cloud hot . And the 27th and october 30 , occurs in lava flows alur the same with the lava produced by eruption in 1822 . Eruption this time destroy 50 the village , collapse due to rain upon some of the ashes . In 1918, at the beginning of July, the next eruption occurred, starting with the earthquake. An eruption on July 6, this resulted in a rain of gray as thick as 2-5 mm are limited within the crater and southern slopes. And on 9 July, recorded appearance of the lava dome in the crater lake-tall 85m size 560x440 m, later named mount So. The last eruption occurred on May 5, 1982 (VEI = 4) accompanied by sound, bang and Flash of flame, incandescence Thunderbolt. Eruptive activity lasted for 9 months and ends on 8 January 1983. During this eruption period, about 18 people died, mostly due to indirect causes (traffic accidents, old age, the cold and lack of food). An estimated loss of about Rp 1 billion and 22 villages were left without occupants.

Eruption on this period has also cause the change of maps of the area in the radius of about 20 km from the crater galunggung, that includes sub-districts indihiang , sub-districts sukaratu and sub-districts leuwisari . Change peta wilayah was more on the dotted caused by the road network and riversides and areal second quarter due to its abundance of lava flows cold keputusan matériel batuan-kerikil-pasir . In the period after eructation ( which is about 1984-1990 year ) is the rehabilitation kawasan disaster , namely by rearrange road network disconnected , mud dredging / sand on rivers and an irrigation channel esp. cikunten ( i ) , and building check draught ( winter ) in the lava bags sinagar as ' ' fortress pengaman profusion of the lava banjir cold to the kota tasikmalaya . During that time also done the exploitation of sand galunggung ( considered qualified for bahan building materials and construction of highways

In the years later until today such Hazardous sand dredging business growing, even at the beginning of its development (circa 1984–1985) built the road network from the nearby Railway Station Indihiang RAILWAY (Kp. Cibungkul-Parakanhonje) to the check dam Sinagar as special lanes for transporting sand from Galunggung to Jakarta. Its eruption also made the British Airways flight 9 dormant, in the middle of the road.

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